Proof that Microsoft's Bing is stealing from Google! - A simplified version of events.

Not a review, just some tech news!

I just read a very interesting blog post from Google. The post proves that the Microsoft Bing search engine takes your input, runs it through Google and then returns the results back to you through Bing.

To cut a long story short, Google started off by searching on Bing for the phrase "delhipublicschool40 chdjob". As you would expect, it returned no results.

Google proceeded to manipulate their own servers and linked the phrase "delhipublicschool40 chdjob" to a website about a credit union. Obviously this phrase has absolutely no meaning and Google or any other search engine would never normally attribute the phrase to any website.

Google then went back to Bing and searched for the phrase again...Guess what happened

Microsoft have denied using tactics such as this in the past however this time the proof is there for all to see.

Google claim to have created about 100 synthetic queries such as this and Bing lapped them all up and started to return the same results as Google, even though the results and search queries were completely unrelated.

If you want to read the full blog post by Google, Click Here