Ring automotive RINV120 power inverter review 4/5!

RRP: £20

Ring Automotive sent us a RINV120 power inverter to review.
This little gadget plugs into your car cigarette lighter and ups the voltage enough to power  one 3 pin 240V socket (a home plug) as well as one USB device. As you can see, the device is sleek and modern so it shouldn't look out of place in any car!

I have actually had a few of these kinds of devices in the past. My first one overheated, pretty much melting in front of my eyes and my second popped as soon as I plugged my laptop in. I was a little weary about plugging anything into this one!

I decided that I can't review an item without using it so I plugged my BlackBerry phone charger into the 3 pin socket which worked absolutely fine! I left it charging for about 30 minutes with no problems at all. I then decided to plug the phone in using the USB cable as it can also charge through that...Again it worked fine.

The device has a little fan on the top which reduces heat so I think this gadget will last a while. It comes with sticky Velcro pads so you can strap the device out the way (mines under the glove box). You stick one pad to the car and one to the device which enables you to remove the device when you are not in the car.

I'm very pleased with this device and will be using it to charge my gadgets when i'm on the move! Click Here for the technical specifications.

Thank you to Ring Automotive for sending us the product! Defiantly the best car inverter I have used, I can see myself using it every day! 4/5! For £20 you would think it is a low quality device - trust me, its not.