UPDATED: 21/02/2011 Windows 8 (Codename Wind) leaks!!

UPDATED: 21/02/2011

Microsoft have announced that Windows 8 will include support for the much anticipated system on a chip alongside support for mobile ARM processors.

Various sources are also reporting that Microsoft have finished compiling a third Windows 8 Alpha build due to be sent in secret to various partners.

I have recently read a few tech reports about the new Windows 7 successor aptly named Windows 8 ( With the codename of Wind ).

Here is a list of the current rumours:
  • Will have an App store!
  • Will have 32 and 64 bit compatibility
  • Will have 2 separate interfaces (one for 32 and one for 64 bit)
  • Will initially only be supported by high end PCs
  • Will be in full 3D (64 bit only) and will require 170MB of dedicated video memory.
  • Will be dynamic by adapting to a users habits and will be able to automatically create short cuts.
  • Will be able to achieve full hibernation mode within 3 to 6 seconds
  • Overall performance increases
  • The OS will be based on cloud computing (I smell a copy of Google Chromium?)
Some of the rumours stem from NVIDIA's new Quadro 265 drivers. The driver makes reference to a new kernal (6.2) the Windows 7 kernal is 6.1. It also references "NVIDIA Windows Vista / 7 / 8 (64 bit) Driver Library Installation Disk 1" in the INF file.

It is believed that "Wind" is the name of the 64 bit version desktop, much the same as the Windows 7 Aero.

More to follow!

Leave a comment and let me know what you think! If you have heard any rumours then drop me a line! blueskygadgets (AT) gmail (DOT) com


Another reviewer said...

Just saw your Tweet, I don't believe a word of all these rumours - what's your source?

Adriano Alfaro said...

Please insert the source! http://www.windows8italia.com/

Adam (BSR Admin) said...

Yep! Most of them are from http://www.windows8italia.com/ and a couple of other sites agree!

Alan said...

If this is true, I wasn't expecting it to have a 32 bit version. Maybe it's to make sure that the current generation of netbooks based on the Atom can be upgraded.