A look at Britvic / Blue Marlin's Turbo Tango...The bottle contains nitrogen.

Firstly an apology, I have recently graduated University and got a full time job hence not seeing any updates for a few months!

Today I went to the shop and saw that stuff that was in the press recently - Turbo Tango

I can honestly say its the worst thing I have ever seen.

Naturally I got a bottle of it to try out. There is not much to say really. It tastes much the same as normal orange tango but I find it leaves a bad taste afterwards.

I finished the bottle and decided to take it apart.

The insides are not very impressive, I believe it works the same was as spray on deodorant and the like. It also mentions nitrogen on the ingredients list so I assume that is what propels the liquid into your mouth. I don't think I ever want to drink it again.

I'm not sure that its the most suitale thing for kids as we have such a high rate of childhood obesity and now they dont even have to lift their arms to drink!

P.S I feel a bit sick now

P.P.S Lots of new reviews coming soon!